The project
Project aims to develop, demonstrate and implement at real scale an innovative and sustainable solution for coffee by-products recovery through their up grading as animal feed ingredient.
Expected benefits
>>increase the sustainability and competitiveness of coffee producing and consuming sector.
>> increase the sustainability and competitiveness of feed sector by reducing the dependence on current raw materials market.
>>sustainability and social acceptance of the livestock activity and its products.
Specific objectives
Increase of Environmental Efficiency and Competitiveness of Coffee value chain by reducing wet SCG landfilled.
Increase of Sustainability and Competitiveness of Feed sector by a new sustainable ingredient from SCG which satisfies the demand of alternative raw materials.
Increase of the Sustainability and Social acceptance of the Livestock activity by reducing the greenhouse gas emission due to the beneficial effect in the ruminal methanogenesis of the inclusion of SCG ingredients in the feed formulation.
Contribution to the Society Awareness towards the environmental protection and efficient use of the resources.

Actions & Progress
Technical actions
A.1 – Setting the project Advisory Board
B.1 – Optimization of the recovery process at semi-industrial scale
B.2 – Definition of the valorisation scheme
B.3 – Demonstration trial of the recovery process
B.4 – Feasibility assessment of the valorisation scheme
B.5 – Implementation of the valorisation scheme in the case study and transfer to other European regions with similar scenario
Other actions
C.1 – Monitoring of the project impact on environmental problem addressed
D.1 – Public awareness and dissemination of results
E.1 – Overall project management